Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Downside of Living in Ecuador?

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We had a question from a reader recently about what the downside is of living in Ecuador. Actually, believe it or not, that is somewhat of a tough question to answer.

The downside of Living in Ecuador?

Ecuador is a beautiful country with limitless potential for the prospective resident. The primary downside it that to be happy here, one must acknowledge and accept that Ecuador is a developing nation.

As a developing nation many elements of society may be very different from what you accept as "normal" back home. Ecuador is full of contrast and surprises, some wonderful and some not so wonderful. The Latin concept of mañana is very evident here. The big thing to remember is that mañana doesn’t necessarily mean tomorrow. It just means, not today.

Everyone likes Ecuador because the cost of living in so low.

We must accept that the cost of living is low because Ecuador is a developing nation. It is very tempting to try to compare Ecuador to the developed world, and to try to change those things that don’t fit with our perspective.

But we should resist the urge because if Ecuador becomes too developed too quickly, our low cost sanctuary may be gone. The last thing we want to see happen here is what is happening in Panama and to a certain extent in Costa Rica: they are becoming suburbs of Miami and L.A.

I like Ecuador just the way it is, with all its warts and bumps, and its beauty and magic. Come here prepared to adapt and you will be fine. Come here with the idea that you can change things quickly, and you may find yourself chewed up and miserable.

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